Wednesday, June 23, 2010


hey, this past weekend i felt like grabbing a few drinks but also drawing, not having booz at home, decided to go out to the adventure and draw at the tavern, there is a new place that just opened near my place, it was dark inside, lounge atmosphere, and they serve stiff drinks, got buzzed but continued drawing...... these are the scribbles i got out of the experience, was fun looking forward to the next time!enjoy!


Adam Temple said...

Dude your cafe sketches are phenomenal! I hope we can hook up this weekend...I might be out of town until Saturday night, but I'll try and find you when I come back. Stay away from the G20! woooooooh

Trevor Spencer said...

awesome work mark! keep on sharing.

hope all is well.

Laura Z said...

cool! how do u get that grainy look tho